Precision parts
from India
About Us
Many companies want to source from India but don’t have the specific resources to do it.
GSI – Global Sourcing Industries is a Franco-Indian company born in 2007 from the partnership of Shivaji Gavhane and Stéphane Lalevée.
We manufacture quality precision machined castings and forgings at attractive cost and ensure an on time delivery at our client’s doorstep all over Europe.

- AS7 + VMC
- XC38 + VMC
- FGS 450 + 4 axis VMC
- 16MnCr5 +Induction hardening
- 42CD4 + VMC
Our components
We supply our customers with a wide range of machined castings and forgings of various sizes, quantities and materials.
Running references
Mechanical Engineers
European Countries
Tons Material Delivered Yearly
Service rate in 2021
Corporate social responsibility
All our Suppliers and most of our Employees are based in India where social, health and environmental standards are lower than in Europe. However GSI is committed to improve the economic, social and environmental impacts.
- Medical Benefit policy insurance
- Gratuity insurance
- Employee’s Provident Fund
- Code of Business and Conduct
- Expectations toward environnemental consideration
- Strictly ban of Child labor
- Safety and health discipline
- Fight against discrimination
- Fair treatment
- Maximum reusable packing material
- ROHS compliant parts

India rather than China?
Globalization and the development of technological innovations have deeply modified the economic scene.
China has been attractive during the last two decades but India is nowadays shown as the key destination for the companies looking forward to secure their supply chain and reduce their costs.
Press release
Canal de Suez : tous les navires en attente sont désormais passés
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